Scheduled Events

All server times are Eastern American time.

Fishing Tournaments



Venture to Frodi’s fishing hole on Ascalon to catch the largest and freshest cod.



Frodi’s cabin on Kalros has a lake teeming with fresh salmon.



Frodi’s vacation spot on Garama has waters that host the dangerous pufferfish.

Fishing Tournaments are held every 3 days at either 2pm or 8pm server.

Various Server Events

town upkeep

Every 20 minutes a portion of your total daily balance is deducted, including any taxes.

Cryptic Cove Logging.png

industry process

Every 3 hours industries will process, consuming your input tools and providing loot in your output chests.

daily dock blocks

Dock blocks get shipped in every day at 10am server time.

Skeleton Spider Cave.png

Resource Island Reset

64 hours after you first visited a resource island its ores will randomly reset in new locations. Each island has a unique timer.


server restart

The server restarts every morning at 8am server.


conquest cycle

Conquest cycles end on the last Sunday of the month at 6pm server time and begin the following Wednesday at 3pm server time.


truce period

Truce begins at the end of a conquest cycle and lasts 72hrs, ending Wednesday at 4pm server.